A spectrophotometer is a device that is based on the optical measurement of various molecules depending upon how much visible light is absorbed. It is commonly used in many scientific disciplines such as chemistry, biology, and physics, etc. There are several types of Spectrophotometer available in the market and they can be used for different applications. The two main categories of Spectrophotometer include monochromatic and mixed. The main function of the monochromatic is to retain the single color, while the mixed type uses the ability to absorb all the colors which enable to obtain an image of many different colors simultaneously.
Its applications include spectroscopy, spectrophotometry, NMR analysis, infrared spectroscopy, tomography applications, Mass Spectrometry, and ultra-filtration applications. There are also many specialized spectroscopy applications including Gas chromatography, real-time analysis, mass spectrometry, and electron spectroscopy. A spectrophotometer has the ability to measure the quantity of light that strikes its detector. When the intensity of light falls upon the detector, it activates its sensors and allows the electrons to move between silicon atoms. The electrons then collide with photons resulting in the absorption of light and the resulting light will be measured. The detector is made up of many layers including the optical cavity, vacuum, shield, and substrate.